Category: Yleinen

Electro Waves implemented L-Fashion Group’s head office building facade lighting, that brings out the building impressively.

The largest shopping center in Satakunta, Puuvilla in Pori, opened in late 2014 and includes 70,000 m2 of rentable space.

Electro Waves has supplied the shopping center with four large LED displays and eight info totems. On the wall of the restaurant world, we installed the first shopping center P3 (pixel pitch) display in Finland and a PA system. The PA equipment installed at the event plaza and the technology can be controlled using a tablet device.

The Puuvilla technical solution:
– Fida 55″ info totems
– MRLed P10 display
– MRLed P6 displays
– MRLed P3 displays
– Fohhn PA equipment

Pohjankartanon koulu Oulussa otti käyttöönsä CTOUCH kosketusnäytöt tammikuussa 2

The Pohjankartano school in Oulu started using CTOUCH touch screens in January 2016. In this project, Electro Waves was the equipment supplier and imple­mentation was handled by Fair Share Finland Oy in Alppila, Oulu.

The solution at Pohjankartano school includes CTOUCH interactive 84’’ touch screens and a WePresent wireless image transfer solution.

Technical support person Ville Viljanmaa could not be happier with the choice:
“CTOUCH’s ease of use has been more than great for us. We’ve had real cost savings, because there was no need to get separate selectors or to hassle with things such as installing drivers. Everything worked at once. The implementation and maintenance of the screens has been a purely positive thing.”

Radisson Blu Plaza on ylellinen hotelli Helsingin ydinkeskustan historiallisessa

Radisson Blu Plaza is a luxurious hotel in the historical setting of central Helsinki. All the rooms, restaurants and common areas of the internationally acclaimed hotel were renewed in 2012. Electro Waves designed and implemented numerous advanced AV, sound, lighting and Digital Signage solutions in Radisson Blu Plaza.

“The basis of the design philosophy was to offer clients something new and unprecedented. Electro Waves was the natural choice due to our collaboration that has continued for a couple of decades”, says Anne Olenius, project manager of Sokotel Oy.

In the Superior rooms guests can control lighting with touchscreens and connect their computers to a TV-set with additional speakers through a control panel. There are televisions in the bathroom mirrors and the color of the room number light can be changed from inside the room.

In Restaurant Kitzens Electro Waves actualized the lighting designers vision in a large and challenging space. In the Business Lounge we created an intimate soundscape on a balcony without partitions. The restaurant uses eMenus.

In addition to the challenges posed by the valuable property, high standards and tight schedule, the other half of the hotel was still in use throughout the renovation. Electro Waves was thanked for their flexibility and positive service attitude.

“Many of the things we hoped for would not have been possible without Electro Waves. They listened to us and were always looking for new customer-oriented solutions.”, Olenius says.

Electro Waves is always looking for new customer-oriented solutions.

-Anne Olenius, projektipäällikkö.

The radio masts located on Radiomäki in Lahti are highly visible. The light show is spectacular on dark autumn and winter nights. The lights are off in the summertime.

Lahti radio masts technical solution

  • A total of 8 spotlights with 4000W (155 000 lumen) lamps, one for each side of the masts
  • The control system of the lights has several different programs

Oasis of the Seas is a cruise ship built for Royal Caribbean International at the STX Europe shipyard in Turku. When completed, the Oasis of the Seas and its sister ship Allure of the Seas were the largest passenger ships of all time in the world. Electro Waves provided the water and lighting implementations for the pool areas of both ships.

Different AV technology!
Water effects on cruise ships are important experiences for cruise lines and they are continually increasing in size. The first water experience Electro Waves implemented on a ship was the Splash Deck and an illuminated musical fountain on the Enchantment of the Seas, followed by Splash Decks and water walls on three Freedom-class ships.

The largest water effects built on cruise ships are on the Allure and the Oasis. Electro Waves implemented Splash Decks and 700-seat Aqua Theaters.

Electro Waves was responsible for all installations in the water areas and the coordination of material supply from the factories. Electro Waves was also in charge of designing the implementation in collaboration with the shipyard’s own organization.

Water effects utilize atypical AV technology, but the control systems and lighting use more conventional methods. Electro Waves also installed the nozzles, piping, frequency changers, filters, pumps, sewerage and special valves called Water Switches. Electro Waves is the only provider of AV technology in Finland that has the expertise to implement projects of this magnitude on cruise ships.

Hotel Klaus K in downtown Helsinki is the first design hotel in Finland and a member of The hotel has been renovated to have an international and comfortable style. The rooms and decoration represent a modern interpretation of the core emotional themes of Kalevala.

Electro Waves created solutions to support the functionality and overall experience of Hotel Klaus K. The specialty is the movie room – featuring a 21:9 aspect ratio TV and a Genelec sound system –  designed for fans of movies and gaming. Customers can connect a PC or a mobile device to watch their own content. The movie room was designed by famous designer Harri Koskinen.

Hotel Klaus K technical solution

  • Movie room
  • AV, sound and light solutions
  • Security contracts, Bosch Prasideo voice evacuation system