Electro Waves Virtual

Electro Waves Virtual

Exercise classes at the gym can now truly be an experience. In cooperation with Les Mills, we have brought video-guided exercise classes to the market. With the technology we have developed you can time classes according to an exercise class calendar, or start them directly through a system operated by a touch screen. Classes are shown with our application on a big screen, projected by a high-quality video projector. Electro Waves Virtual brings the world’s best instructors to your own gym!

Electro Waves also designs and provides:
Information systems • Information kiosks • E-menus • Interactive touch screens

EW Virtual 2.0

The improved EW Virtual 2.0 UI makes it easier to play videos, browse categories, see scheduled classes, and set lightning scenes. The streamlined design allows the user to user select the class the want see faster rather than losing time browsing for it.

READ MORE: www.ewvirtual.fi