Electro Waves Oy
Ruukintie 2
02330 ESPOO
Puh. 020 1200 100
info [a] electrowaves.fi
Work at Electro Waves?
We are actively seeking opportunities to grow our team of experts.
Send your application by email to Eija Nurkki.
All email addresses are: firstname.surname@electrowaves.fi
Fill out the maintenance form by clicking the link below:
Maintenance form
Download our invoicing information.
Miko Nurkki
Tel. 050 2629
Eija Nurkki
Tel. 040 517 6246
Lotta Roos
Marketing Coordinator
Tel. 040 750 4484
Jorma Kaarela
Sales Manager
Tel. 045 7731 1105
Kai Tuovinen
Sales Manager
Tel. 0400 413 821
Jarno Toivio
Sales Manager
Tel. 040 568 0079
Esa Karppinen
Sales Manager
Tel. 045 7731 1552
Petri Mämmi
Sales, Product Manager
Architectural lighting
Tel. 040 620 4356
Esa Kyllönen
Sales Manager,
Lighting, Stage, Rigging
Tel. 040 556 3765
Atte Pukero
Lighting, Stage, Rigging
Tel. 040 538 7068
Marko Koskimies
Sales Manager
Professional Audio
Tel. 040 158 1740
Kari Lehtonen
Sales, Project Engineer
Professional Audio
Tel. 040 555 9910
Technical Specialist
Service & Maintenance and Logistics
Lasse Konttinen
Service Manager
Tel. 045 7731 1550
huolto [a] electrowaves.fi
Robin Gunell
Service Engineer
Tel. 040 771 2133
huolto [a] electrowaves.fi
Samu Sirkiä
Service Engineer
Tel. 050 526 1975
huolto [a] electrowaves.fi
Jokke Venho
Service Engineer
Tel. 0405707451
huolto [a] electrowaves.fi
Jarmo Vilkman
Service Engineer
Tel. 040 085 1334
huolto [a] electrowaves.fi
Niklas Lindqvist
Logistics Manager
Tel. 045 657 8549
Harri Kammonen
Storage and logistics
Tel. 045 657 8549
Project management, design & installation
Joonas Jylhä
Project Manager
Tel. 040 773 3294
Jari Teittinen
Project Manager
Tel. 040 573 7536
Jussi Oosi
Project Manager & sales
Tel. 050 352 9050
Risto Vuorela
Project Manager
Tel. 0500 561 447
Marko Alanko
AV Designer
Tel. 045 674 7717
Juho Koivumäki
AV Designer
Tel. 040 196 5463
Marko Kivilahti
AV Programming
Tel. 040 630 2260
Harri Heino
Tel. 040 772 6707
Jonni Laakso
Tel. 0400 878 518
Ville Huhtamella
Tel. 040 160 4123
Pertti Lindegren
Tel. 050 345 1441
Matias Linna
Tel. 045 130 5053
Marko Nykänen
Tel. 050 407 7440
Per-Olof “Eddie” Edberg
Tel. 050 462 0707
Petri Pietarinen
Tel. 045 106 3140
Joonas Nyman
Tel. 045 179 9464
Jari Koivunen
Tel. 040 7574541
Jere Erviö
Tel. 040 6657876
EW Virtual 2.0
Teemu Martikainen
EW Virtual & Installation
Tel. 040 832 0632